Frequently asked questions.

  • Performance based physical therapy is the approach we take in evaluating and treating our clients which utilizes functional movement analyses and evidence-based methods.

    This is unlike your traditional physical therapy clinic where they'd likely perform the evaluation with you laying flat on a table. It's impossible to get a true understanding of your limitations/dysfunctions using only that method as forces, joint angles, specific muscle motor control, etc are not reproduced to the truest extent in this way. Instead, we'll evaluate you while you're performing sport/activity-specific tasks and movements so we can see exactly what is going on.

    Our bodies move in complex patterns and no two people are built the same. By taking a performance based approach it allows us to see the whole picture and to trace the pain/dysfunction to the ACTUAL source. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy will partner with you in creating a customized plan for you based on your specific sport/activity demands.

  • Neck and shoulder pain



    Temporomandibular joint (jaw) pain/dysfunction

    Arm, elbow, and wrist pain/injuries

    Back pain

    Sciatica, herniated discs, pinched nerves

    Knee and thigh pain/injuries

    Calf, ankle, and foot pain/injuries

    Ligament sprains/tears

    Muscle strains/tears

    Arthritic pain

    Joint replacements

    Pre and post-operative rehabilitation (ACL, rotator cuff, total knee replacement, etc.)

    We want you to be a good fit for us as much as we want to be a good fit for you. If you have any questions about whether we treat something that was not on this list, give us a call!

  • Initial Evaluation (1 hour): One-on-one evaluation with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). This includes obtaining a thorough medical history, subjective examination, and an in-depth movement analysis to identify the root cause of your problem.

    Follow Up Visits (1 hour): One-on-one customized treatment session including manual therapy and performance and development of a rehab program to complete with your DPT and on your own, along with other services as needed. Continuous evaluation will take place in order to monitor your progress and adjust as needed.

    ​ Dry Needling: Fine, monofilament needles are inserted into the tissues by a certified DPT in order to treat and manage neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement dysfunctions. Manual therapy may precede the dry needling or be performed after as needed as part of your treatment.

    Performance Training: Group or one-on-one sessions focused on increasing sport specific performance and limiting possible injury in accordance with specific goals.

    ​ We offer single session pricing as well as package deals which most of our clients prefer. This will be discussed during your first visit so we can assist you in determining the best course of action for your specific needs.

  • Item description
  • Click the link below to learn more about Dry Needling.

  • Prior to your first visit you will have completed your Patient Intake Form and other documents through the PtEverywhere patient portal.

    Upon meeting your Doctor of Physical Therapy, they will review your medical history and the reason you are coming to see us.

    After learning more about you and why you're here, we'll jump into a functional movement analysis. Through this we can identify any dysfunctions that may be contributing to your issue. This is what makes us a PERFORMANCE based clinic! Being able to watch our clients in action helps us to identify the true issues as to what’s going on.

    Throughout this process there will be constant education about your specific body/anatomy/movement patterns so that we can empower you to take control of your well-being and know your body.

    Based on our findings, we will begin to teach you corrective movement patterns and "reset" exercises for you to begin. This may also include performing manual therapy techniques in order to decrease your pain, improve motor control, etc.

    The ultimate goals are to:

    1) Identify the root cause of your pain/dysfunction and begin to decrease your pain through a variety of techniques and education

    2) Begin to address mobility impairments and motor/muscle firing dysfunctions

    3) Provide enough education in order to equip and empower you so that you can begin taking control of your own health

  • PtEverwhere is your own patient portal. It can be accessed through your computer or you can download the PtEverwhere app to use on your phone.

    When we schedule your initial visit, you'll receive an email with a link to set up your PtEverywhere account.

    Within the app under the "documents" section will be all your paperwork that must be completed within the app prior to your initial visit. There will also be a link to a YouTube video explaining all of the app's functions.

    Features that you will have access to within the portal include but are not limited to:

    Complete and sign online forms such as intake and consent to treat forms

    Book your future appointments

    Online payments

    Ability to upload and share your x-ray/MRI documents

    HIPAA compliant messaging capability with your Doctor of Physical Therapy

    Customized exercise/rehab plans where you can view videos of the exercise for friendly reminders regarding proper form. Other features include information on frequency/intensity the exercises are to be performed as well as a symptom log.

  • For women with cervical/upper back/shoulder pain please wear a tank top or sports bra.

    For a lower extremity issue please wear shorts so the area is visible and accessible.

    Tennis shoes/athletic footwear.

    Please feel free to bring anything else you may think is necessary so we can better help you in addressing your issue